At Operanka Associates, value doesn’t wait years!
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At Operanka Associates, one of our objectives is to help you met your challenge to positively impact our clients’ projects and why not the world? We do everything to help you to flourish.


We reward excellence. We therefore encourage you to ask for promotions by giving you the means to achieve your ambitions.

We do not apply any minimum duration constraint to a career grade because we find this to be an unnecessary brake on your motivation and commitment. You are promoted as soon as you demonstrate the required skills and achieve the expected results.

Our career plan is structured around six (6) grades of increasing responsibility which are there to give you some benchmarks and allow you to develop yourself gradually.


The entry level at Operanka Associates. At this level, our consultants develop their business and methological skills by working on detail analysis of some of our clients’ business processes together with the data collection and analysis. They also participate with our formalization and operational support efforts for our customers. They are guided in their work by senior consultants and managers.


They are promoted from the level of consultant or join us with few years of experience in consulting or at one of the major players in the targeted business industries by Operanka Associates.

They are usely in charge of a functional area on our projects. They are autonomous in monitoring and supervising the work provided by the consultants. They are in charge of the delivery quality within their functional area. Depending on their experience and their wishes, consultants can be used in customer relationship management and team management.

Moreover, from the level of Senior Consultant, our employees participate in our recruitment processes.


They are responsible for the framing of projects, their planning, the team establishment, the execution and the delivery of their projects on quality level expected by our clients.

Their level of experience allows them to anticipate and implement the appropriate delivery process for the project, taking into account the budget and time constraints of our customers.

Their responsibilities include team management, coordination of all stakeholders and incident resolution. Managers are heavily involved in skills sharing initiatives, in particular through the organization of training seminars for other consultants.


Our Senior Managers are known as experts and monitor client’s complex projects. Their know-how is a reference for our consultants and our clients.

They are the guarantors of the quality of deliveries on projects and are intended to supervise and coach several managers. They manage a significant part of the development objectives of our activities with our clients.



They are less involved in the daily execution of projects and are focus on our clients’ development objectives. Recognized leaders and visionaries in their field, a significant part of their job is to help our clients design and launch their strategic programs. They work closely with the Partners on the management of Major clients.


They are in charge of the harmonious development of Operanka Associates in the the targeted economical and geographical sector

They are directly in charge of managing the relationship with our clients’ management committees. They work together with Associate Partners and are directly responsible for the strategic direction of the company and its success in achieving its medium and long term objectives.


Lors de mon accueil chez Operanka Associates, je me suis tout de suite sentie à l’aise. La taille humaine de la société permet une forte proximité avec le management. Je suis entrée pour un poste de consultant et rapidement j’ai été en mission dans une grande banque anglaise.

Mon intégration et ma montée en compétence ont été facilitées par mes collègues déjà sur place. La solidarité et la bienveillance m’ont beaucoup plu et je me suis sentie soutenue lors de cette première mission. Cela m’a permis de gagner en confiance et de mieux gérer les attentes du client. Je suis ravie de faire partie d’Operanka Associates et de participer à son ascension !


Consultante Compliance & Regulatory

Operanka Associates accorde une grande place à l’innovation et aux idées visionnaires.

J’ai la possibilité et la liberté d’expérimenter de nouvelles choses. Mon point de vue est entendu et je suis en mesure d’influencer les projets quotidiens et plus généralement la croissance de l’entreprise.

Par ailleurs, il existe un véritable sens du travail d’équipe. Toutes les portes sont ouvertes. Je travaille avec tout le monde sans ressentir de différence hiérarchique.

Mon travail est stimulant et j’apprends constamment. L’investissement dans mon développement associé à la capacité d’influer sur les choix faits me donne l’impression d’être perçu et traité comme un atout chez Operanka Associates.


Consultant Data Engineering & Artificial Intelligence

J’ai rejoins Operanka Associates en tant que consultant en Risk Management.  Dynamique, la société est à taille humaine, ce qui permet de se montrer agile et réactif vis-à-vis des clients. La proximité avec le top management permet une communication rapide et efficace.

La relation de confiance entre Operanka Associates et ses clients nous permet de les accompagner sur le long terme, suivant leurs besoins en termes de transformation. De plus, la diversité des missions sur lesquelles nous évoluons nous permet de monter en compétence sur les différents aspects du métier de consultant.


Consultant Risk Management

Diplômée d’un Master en Finance, j’ai intégré Operanka Associates en tant que consultante. Très vite, j’ai pu monter en compétence et avoir de fortes responsabilités sur des projets à fort enjeu stratégique.

Ce que j’aime le plus dans mon travail, c’est la diversité des projets sur lesquels j’ai la chance de collaborer de manière transversale avec de nombreux experts du domaine pour répondre aux besoins des clients. Cela permet de construire une polyvalence que j’apprécie particulièrement du fait des opportunités offertes en termes de carrière.

J’apprécie également qu’on soit encouragé à innover proactivement et dans une démarche collective. Ce cadre enrichissant à la fois sur les plans professionnels et humains aident grandement à relever les défis au quotidien.


Consultante Senior Operational Excellence

At Operanka Associates, value doesn’t wait years!
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Channeling your talents. Impacting the world.

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